Letter From the Esquire: October 2019


My whole life, I’ve never stopped striving for better: to do better, to feel better, and to be better.

Thus, when presented with a unique opportunity to join a small, four month long, intensive legal mastermind group…I jumped at the chance. Learning from other female attorneys who own their legal practices was just the right amount of mentorship I needed at the perfect time. The group has been rewarding, challenging, thought provoking, and nerve rattling…sometimes all at once! As the group comes to an end this month, I am now gearing up to take all that I have learned and implement it into my practice. I have a massive amount of skills, strategies, and goals I am excited to begin working on. Clients will see and feel some of the changes being made. More informational content will be routinely posted both here on the blog and in social media. More free informational sessions will be offered in Minnesota and Arizona. (Starting this month!) More niche services will be offered to clients like consulting and influencer law representation. This is in addition to many behind the scene changes taking place like workflow development, investments in independent contractors, streamlining of systems used and much more.

The mastermind group helped me see that I am not just a lawyer running a law practice, I am also an entrepreneur running a business. I’ve always had the blessing / curse of seeing things differently than others do. However, now I plan to embrace that which I see differently and consider it only a blessing; not a curse. By doing so, I get to reinvent what it means to be a law firm and an attorney in 2019 in a way that is more modern and meaningful for both my clients and myself. And I am terribly excited to begin doing so.

Starting October 1, Neon Esquire will begin running a monthly series via posts, videos, newsletters etc. designed to educate and inform our followers. Each month will feature a new theme. Throughout the month of October I will be highlighting, “Scary Stories.” These will be real-life, terror inducing legal situations actually encountered by entrepreneurs during 2019. It is my sincere hope that others will be able to draw upon and learn from these experiences thereby making their own businesses (and lives) better too.

